- SpecWriter is an Excel spreadsheet program designed to write specifications and prepare estimates for residential and light commercial construction projects.
- SpecWriter works by providing you with a Checklist of specifications from which you select those that apply to your project.
- Once you’ve selected your specifications, the menu command “Generate Specifications” will copy them to the Specifications page, re-group them by section, then number, outline and format them to create your customized specifications.
- SpecWriter’s Checklist contains over 6,500 pre-written specifications for your immediate use.
- You can add, edit, overwrite or delete anything on the Checklist, which means you can customize it specifically for your business.
- You can change the Checklist and re-generate new specifications at any time.
- You may also create an Estimate Worksheet with the same categories and specifications.
- A subscription to Microsoft 365. (Microsoft’s online version of Microsoft Office, including Microsoft Excel)
- A basic familiarity with opening Excel files.
- Click on the “Download” button below.
- Install the “Randall-Residence-Specifications.xlsm” file to any location on your computer.
- After downloading, double click on the file to open it.
- Be sure to “Enable Macros” if requested.
- FIRST, use the Page Tabs at the bottom to view the Specifications and the Estimate.
- SECOND, Change the Specifications as follows…
- Review a specific Category of the Specifications.
- Go to that Category on the Checklist.
- Observe how the Checklist options are selected.
- Change several of the selections to other choices. (Double mouse click to add or remove the “X” tag)
- Use Specifications | Generate Specifications to re-generate the Specifications.
- Review the revised Specifications and observe the impact of your changes.
- THIRD, Change the Estimate by…
- Using Estimate | Presentation Options to view the different Estimate styles.
- Enter different costs in the Estimate and observe the effect on the Estimate Summary.
- Change the Overhead and Builder’s Compensation percentages in the Estimate Summary and observe the effect on the numbers.
- FOURTH, if you wish to Print the documents…
- Use Specifications | Print Specifications to print the Randall Residence Specifications.
- Use Estimate | Print Estimate to print the Estimate.
- Use File | Close Project File to close the file.
- While using the Demo File, you can…
- Print or Preview any document.
- Change the Checklist selections or wording, or the Estimate.
- Generate any document you wish, as many times as you wish.
- While using the Demo File, you can NOT…
- Change the Company or the Customer Name
- Switch to the Excel Menu.
- Save the file.